

作者:喜欢潮湿虫的道叶不凡 | 分类:现言 | 字数:54.1万

第383章 设计比赛

书名:青春重来一回 作者:喜欢潮湿虫的道叶不凡 字数:1826 更新时间:2025-03-28 02:09:04

张晓茹回家后,就看着张柏生和肖弄枝的打招呼了就 上去三楼房间,睡觉了!~

第二天早上就起来了,看看时钟现在才是9点,张晓茹就起来洗漱好了,穿好衣服就下去一楼那边 看张柏生和肖弄枝,张誉超、张誉晨和彤彤都在客厅这边,两个小孩在玩闹,张誉超就拿着电脑就旁边那边的做事情,张柏生和肖弄枝就看电视的,看见张晓茹下来,肖弄枝就说:“晓茹起来了,过来吃早餐吧!”

张晓茹就说:“爸妈早,好的,我自己去吃就好了,等会我开车回去公司那的,我要跟凯文那边 开个会啊!”


张晓茹就看着彤彤和张誉晨一起玩的,就对彤彤和晨晨说:‘你两个小家伙,我今天去工作,等会回来,你们有没什么想吃的 啊,姐姐给你们带啊!’



说完就拿起车钥匙就开车回去公司那边的,很快就回到公司这边,公司今天是周末只有一些客服部门的人需要上班,其他的人呢都休息了,张晓茹 径直走回自己的办公室这边的,然后打开电脑,跟凯文那边的联系了,凯文那边的现在是晚上的时候,凯文那边很快就回复了现在可以连线开会的,张晓茹马上就 接上了凯文的连线,看见凯文的样子出现在电脑屏幕上,张晓茹就很高兴的说:“Kevin, long time no see, how\u0027s it going?”

凯文看见张晓茹的脸出现也很高兴,做了个飞吻的动作,就说:“Ah Ru, yes, I\u0027ve been busy telling you lately about that costume design petition. What is the content of the petition, do you see clearly?”

张晓茹就说:“I\u0027ve seen it, I know the content of the petition, you guys have to divide into several divisions, right, I participated in the Asian Division, and the top three in this Asian Division will go to the finals! By the way, there is also the organizer of the Asian region, is our pany and your pany?”

“The organizer of this fashion design petition is my pany, yours is also a sponsor, and two are luxury brands? Xiangjia and Bajia\u0027s!”

“And this petition is very good for you, and a key point is to increase the popularity of our two panies, by the way, your pany must send designers to participate, your words, I think you can participate in a private name! The important thing is that the venue of this petition is on the Yangcheng side, so I will arrange for Julian to e and assist your side. Let\u0027s see if you want to find a few sponsors!”凯文就说了自己 的计划安排的,张晓茹听见后,就点头说:“Okay, yes, if I sponsor, I can find a pany here!”